Monday, December 21, 2009

Phoenix Rising by Jo Lynne Valerie

4 out of 5 Robots!

Phoenix Rising by Jo Lynne Valerie is a perfect novella to warm your heart around Christmas time. Her descriptions of the snowy landscape reminded me of Christmas mornings at my grandmother's house.

This story gives it all to you- heartbreak, romance- hope. (We all know what comes with the good stuff- love and soulmates!) Mushy, I know- but who doesn't want a good bit mush every now and then?

Holly is our main character and she has had her heart broken- a dark past to say the least. She, an artist, has just been presented with the wonderful opportunity to create illustrations for an incredible author.  She flies through all the characters- but has trouble with the last- the leading man. Her dreams of a soulmate finally inspire her image of the leading man. And to Holly's surprise- she meets that leading man a few days later in the flesh. The one she envisioned. The one she painted. Could he be her soulmate?

Holly and David's love story is enchanting. You are drawn into the novella as if you're reliving your own love story. Magic pops out of the pages and draws you into Holly's hopes and dreams of finding her one true love. The chemistry between these two characters is powerful. I wish their story hadn't been so short lived! Will there be more stories of Holly and David to come?

I love when I can't anticipate an ending- and I didn't anticipate the ending JoLynne Valerie writes for us! Her imagination weaved us in and out of Holly's past and it flowed so smoothly. I love flashbacks, as long as they're smooth and flow with the story at hand. Great story, a must read around Christmas time for me! And you can buy this for your Kindle through Amazon for only $1.99!

Book Details:
Published: December 8th 2009
Details: Kindle Edition, 132 pages
Asin: B00307S156


  1. I like to read a good mushy book every now and then too. But right now I'm addicted to smut and I can't stop. I like your review though. :D

  2. interesting... have to put this on my tbr.

  3. Bells, this isn't a book I see you reading ;] Stick to your "scary big" smut. And keep those e-mails rolling too! HAHA

    Pat, if you like short heartwarming Christmas-like novels- this is for you! Thanks for your comments, I think I've got some catching up to do on your blog! Got some new reviews over there? ;]



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