Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ohhh!! Cover Launch: Heartless by Gail Carriger

Have you seen the cover for HEARTLESS by Gail Carriger?! 

I LOVE IT! I can't wait to read this book. 
You can read my reviews of Soulless & Changeless here.   


  1. This whole series has fabulous covers. I need to start reading them :)

  2. it is lovely,. i do like it more then the other covers, then again im biased for purple.

  3. @Mistress of the Dark - I think this is my favorite steampunk series... read them!! :)

    @MunaMoth - I'm waiting for a greenish cover ;)

  4. I agree - the covers are completely fabulous! I have the first two on my shelf and I can't wait to dig into them.

    && Green is my fave color. I can't wait to see a greenish one either =)

  5. I really, really don't like this cover. I think they did an awful job with her face and hair - where does her hairline even start? The first three are really good - this one is just.....bad. (to me)

  6. I haven't read this series but I want to really bad. I have heard good things! But like Mandi, I'm having issues with the hair thing. It looks like when you buy those hats with the fake hair attached for a costume. So It's making me wonder if she is bald.

  7. I don't like her face on this cover- but honestly, I don't think the cover models are that attractive on any of the covers for this series- I just figured it was something they were going for. haha.

    And, Looksie, I laughed so hard about the hat/hair thing... The first thing I thought of was those Jamaican hats with the dreads coming out the back.

    I still like this cover, despite the baldness, I don't know why... it could be because I'm in love with Miss Tarabotti. The last name just gets me. haha.

  8. You may be one of the few who have said positive things about this cover!

    I am not a fan. It's terrible. The model, which is the same on all the covers looks weird! And the background and the model pic isn't seamless. It looks like a bad Photoshop job. :( I'm highly disappointed.

  9. Sooooo disappointed with this cover. I doubt they are the same model. She does not even look slightly Italian. Does this imply pregnant women have terrible taste? AWFUL!! I hope they change the model before release. Why is she looking at me??

  10. LOLOLOL, Sarah! Loved your comment! Cracked me up. I like everything about the cover except for the face/hair of the model... and that forehead.

  11. Fascinatingly composed,Totally in wonder of the article.
    gail howard



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