Thursday, September 8, 2011

Giveaway & Interview with Veronica Wolff!

Isle of Night
By Veronica Wolff
Series: Watchers, #1
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Release: September 6, 2011
Paperback: 320 Pages
Publisher: NAL Trade
Buy the Book: Amazon

About the Book:
Is life offering fewer and fewer options? Then join the dead.
When Annelise meets dark and seductive Ronan, he promises her a new life-if she has the courage to chance the unknown. Now, she's whisked away to a mysterious island and pitted against other female recruits to become a Watcher-girls who are partnered with vampires and assist them in their missions. To survive and become a Watcher, Annelise has to beat out every other girl, but she's determined to do so, because to fail doesn't mean dishonor-it means death. 

Read my review of Isle of Night HERE!

Q&A with Veronica Wolff!

I love that Annelise received throwing stars as her weapons - If you were an Acari, what weapon would be in your bottom drawer? 
Easy! A throwing knife. I have always dreamed of knowing how to sling one of those bad boys. I can’t even type that without hearing it….kthunnnck. 

What is Annelise's theme song? 
It’s so funny that you asked this, because Annelise is one of my only characters who actually, really does have a theme song. I listen to a lot of hard, driving rock while I write, but the big standout that always gets me in the Watchers zone is Sabotage by Beastie Boys. It captures that rage, that feeling of being trapped and betrayed that she experiences. “Our backs are now against the wall/Listen all of y'all it’s a sabotage.” Love. This. Song. 

What character from any book or movie would you choose to hang out with Annelise and Emma? 
Oh, wow, this is a hard one. Of course my brain instantly fills with a million funny and totally ridiculous answers. (Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid! Mr. Holland from Mr. Holland’s Opus! *snicker*) But, okay, here’s a good one. Aside from maybe picking up some pointers from Sydney Bristow in Alias, I think I’d most want to see Annelise and Emma stick it to the mean, cheating cheerleaders in Bring it On. Wouldn’t that be fun? (Okay, now I need to go re-watch that…) 

I've got a major crush on Ronan- will he play a major role in the next book? 
That is so great to hear…because I do too! There’s no way I could say goodbye to Ronan yet. And hey, I’d keep him in the storyline if only to get that yummy, scruffy model to make an appearance on another cover. So the answer is, don’t worry, Ronan won’t be going anywhere any time soon. 

Were there any books that played a big influence while writing Isle of Night? 
Two of my favorite authors are Charlaine Harris and Richelle Mead, and if I had to pick, I’d say theirs were the books that have most inspired me. This is not to say I was trying to recreate their worlds, or to write like them, or anything like that. But their books are the ones I stay up all night reading, flipping back and forth, reading, re-reading, and wondering how’d she do that? 

Lilac is incredibly evil... Was she ever challenging to write? 
Oh, yes, totally. It was a tough line to walk, making her believably evil, while not being cartoonishly so. I did some heavy reworking of an early draft with that exact concern in mind—the first iteration of her seemed too crazy, while I think the most evil villains are the ones who appear sane. 

What scene in Isle of Night do you love and would never, ever cut? 
I really enjoyed writing Emma, and loved that scene where she and Annelise first get to know each other, trying to survive their middle-of-the-night hazing. And besides, I love scenes where characters get to use real world skills—like scavenging for food or trying not to freeze to death. Even better when they get to fight—together—for their lives. 

Are you excited about any other releases or works in progress? 
In addition to the Watchers series, I’m launching Sierra Falls, a contemporary romance series set in a fictional small town in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It’s something completely different for me—not only is it contemporary, but there are four different points of view, two romances, and a cast of all ages. I’m always going to want some sort of action, though, so of course there’ll be some of that too! Look for it in April 2012.

Thanks for stopping by! Can't wait to read the second installment in The Watchers series!! 
Thanks for having me! Vampire’s Kiss hits the shelves in March 2012, so not that long to wait. Plus there’s all that the title implies…you know, a vampire and a kiss. ;)

Isle of Night is being featured on Figment! You can read an excerpt from the book here  and leave a message for the author here. Join Figment on Facebook to take an Isle of Night themed poll on 9/8, and follow @IsleofNight on twitter to take part in an epic literary battle on 9/15. Visit Figment's blog between 9/13 and 9/17 for a new blog post from author Veronica Wolff daily, as well as an exclusive Q&A. And sign up to join Figment- that way, you can submit your own original fiction to our Isle of Night contests, launching on 9/13!

Check out the trailer for ISLE OF NIGHT!



  1. *cries* I can't see Rafflecopter/it's loading or something but I dunno. It's like that stupid colorful rainbow circle on the Apple Mac that keeps going round and rounds like you're suppose to like the pretty colors but it's actually drives you insane LOL

    I'll try again later, or tomorrow =DD

  2. Thank you very much what a great giveaway this book sounds really good thanks for the chance!

  3. I read your review so I'm already super pumped to read this one. I'd love to win a copy.

    All the questions are great but I really liked the scene question and Ms. Wolff's answer. The cover for Vampire Kiss is gorgeous. Thanks so much!

  4. This book sounds so intriguing as well as Vampire's Kiss.

  5. This book looks really good!

  6. Sounds like an a really good read. Count me in.

  7. Sounds like a great read! Can't wait!

  8. Okay, I was a Twilight fan and loved that series. But, as a whole, I tend to be leery of vampire novels because so many twists have been rung out of the myths and legends that I can't help but think that subject has been squeezed dry. And then I picked up this book, and, OMG! It was awesome!!

    ~Dana@College Reine Marie



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